A couple weeks back, I noticed that The Divorcees were going to be playing at the Railway Club. This is a band I discovered through the wonder of MySpace, but have never seen live, so it immediately caught my attention. I circled July 15th on my calendar and started counting down the days...
I show up at 9:30 and there is this big neon green sign on the door that says, "We are closed - sorry for the inconvience" WHAT?!?!?! The Railway Club is NEVER randomly closed. Then I am reminded of the man-hole fire the day before that knocked out power to most of the downtown core. Where did that happen again? OH YA... about a block from the Railway Club!
Silly me, here I was, all dressed up with no place to go. Literally. We wandered down to Gastown and it was black - no street lights, and nothing open. But wait. Are those people I see inside the The Lamplighter? We walk in and they have a generator running a couple tvs and keeping the beer cold. So we stay and it's Dead Bunny Comedy night. I have a little hint for aspiring comedians... if people aren't laughing its because you're NOT funny and telling the audience that they are lame for not laughing at your unfunny jokes will not make them laugh. It wasn't all an uncomfortable disaster, the headliner for the evening Todd Allen, was very funny, it just took WAAAY too long to get to him.
Musically speaking, I'm going to James Taylor on Friday and hitting the Whistler Music Festival this weekend. I can't wait to hear Mr. Taylor do this song live...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
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James Taylor YouTube War!
Steam Roller Blues '71
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